This is the sound of someone making honest, from the soul music and I feel fortunate to share a small taste of Hanna Elson's music with the world. If you are a fan of fragile, broken bedroom folk like Freakwater, Azalia Snail, or Julie Dorion , I implore you to give a listen to the music of Hanna Elson.
It is funny how one can find out about music these days. Perhaps it is unpopular opinion but I'd say there is a glut of music out there and the vast majority of is really bad. Trudging through the far reaches of the internet to find sounds that isn't some form of regurgitated, vapid nonsense is rather difficult. And that brings me to coming to find out about the music of Hanna Elson because her music is anything but vapid. One night I was browsing Last FM (yeah I know sooooo old) and I noticed that a few artists were listed as similar artists as Destructasaurus Rex so at the point my curiosity was piqued because if that were true I needed to hear this! These artists- Scraps E Flat, Honey Graffiti, Mia Miaou and then Hanna Elson were all monikers of Elson herself. And while the music I heard wasn't anything like D. Rex what I heard was music that was pure and had a very strong aesthetic about itself. There is a raw honesty and a sense of desperation heard in Hanna Elson's music that I seldom hear yet long for very much so. It is music like that this that keeps me interested in the whole darn thing, just hoping that someone will come along and make music that is free of all the trappings that most musician types fall into. This is the sound of someone making honest, from the soul music and I feel fortunate to share a small taste of Hanna Elson's music with the world. Hanna has a vast discography of songs that are available for free download on Last Fm and Bandcamp under her various different incarnations, and I highly recommend that you take a listen it is all wonderful music. If you are a fan of fragile, broken bedroom folk like Freakwater, Azalia Snail, or Julie Dorion , I implore you to give a listen to the music of Hanna Elson. Limited to 50 cassettes with hand stamped labels and full color, numbered j cards.