It has been nine years since last release. Limp Wrist brings you 11 new trax of complete punk faggotry, not for the weak at heart and never will be. Album download comes with 40 page booklet containing lyrics, photos, and submissions from invited artists. ITS FUCKING NEW LIMPWRIST, OK?! Fuck. Buy it. Martin also played in LOS CRUDOS..
“Touching” is an atypical adjective for a hardcore record, but it’s the one that keeps coming to mind while listening to queer punk legends Limp Wrist’s new LP. The whole thing—from the eight songs of blazing old school hardcore on side A, to the trio of delightfully grotty electro punk tunes on the flip, to the entire lyric zine about queer outsiders—is dedicated to “rural queens, dykes, trans kids, and punk kids… who crave to be part of some dream community but can’t.” In English and Spanish, the lyrics rail against the assimilationist “gaystream,” with the hope of building community for queer people who feel ostracized, not just by straight society, but by normie queers as well. The sentiment behind Facades reminds me of the pain and alienation I saw so many of my punky queer friends experience when we were younger, and I wish I could hop back twenty years and slip this record into their crates. Also, hey, this is excellent music. Limp Wrist are all punk veterans, featuring former members of Hail Mary, Devoid Of Faith, By The Throat and Kill the Man Who Questions, and fronted by Martin Sorrondeguy from Los Crudos. For the first eight songs, they pull from decades of hardcore music, writing righteously pissed-off, energizing songs. For the last three, they try something new (and succeed!): building songs around a dirty electro thump, resulting in an early industrial sound that cuts like a rusty blade. Limp Wrist are vital as ever. Get this record and, as they say, stay fucked and never go in. –Chris Terry (
It has been nine years since last release. Limp Wrist brings you 11 new trax of complete punk faggotry, not for the weak at heart and never will be. Album download comes with 40 page booklet containing lyrics, photos, and submissions from invited artists. ITS FUCKING NEW LIMPWRIST, OK?! Fuck. Buy it. Martin also played in LOS CRUDOS..
“Touching” is an atypical adjective for a hardcore record, but it’s the one that keeps coming to mind while listening to queer punk legends Limp Wrist’s new LP. The whole thing—from the eight songs of blazing old school hardcore on side A, to the trio of delightfully grotty electro punk tunes on the flip, to the entire lyric zine about queer outsiders—is dedicated to “rural queens, dykes, trans kids, and punk kids… who crave to be part of some dream community but can’t.” In English and Spanish, the lyrics rail against the assimilationist “gaystream,” with the hope of building community for queer people who feel ostracized, not just by straight society, but by normie queers as well. The sentiment behind Facades reminds me of the pain and alienation I saw so many of my punky queer friends experience when we were younger, and I wish I could hop back twenty years and slip this record into their crates. Also, hey, this is excellent music. Limp Wrist are all punk veterans, featuring former members of Hail Mary, Devoid Of Faith, By The Throat and Kill the Man Who Questions, and fronted by Martin Sorrondeguy from Los Crudos. For the first eight songs, they pull from decades of hardcore music, writing righteously pissed-off, energizing songs. For the last three, they try something new (and succeed!): building songs around a dirty electro thump, resulting in an early industrial sound that cuts like a rusty blade. Limp Wrist are vital as ever. Get this record and, as they say, stay fucked and never go in. –Chris Terry (